Watch Full Movie Ulysses' Gaze in HD Format. Full Movie Streaming Ulysses' Gaze in HD Video. Play Streaming Ulysses' Gaze in Best Quality. Watch Streaming Ulysses' Gaze in Top Quality. Play Movie Ulysses' Gaze in High Quality.
Becomes clear a full description of Ulysses' Gaze below:
- Original Title : Το βλέμμα του Οδυσσέα
- Movie title in your country : Ulysses' Gaze
- Year of movie : 1995
- Genres of movie : Drama,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1995-05-24
- Companies of movie :
- Countries of movie :
- Language of movie :
- Durationof movie : 176 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.8
- Youtube ID of movie : 8VF48LWXCjU
- Translation of movie : EN,IT,EL,ZH,ES,KO,HU,DE,RU,FR,
- Cast of movie :Harvey Keitel (A), Film Museum Curator), Erland Josephson (S., Maia Morgenstern ('Ulysses' Wife), Nadia Mourouzi ()
Ulysses' Gaze is a good movie produced by which features a description of the movie is ""A," a Greek filmmaker living in exile in the United States, returns to his native Ptolemas to attend a special screening of one of his extremely controversial films. But A's real interest lies elsewhere--the mythical reels of the very first film shot by the Manakia brothers, who, at the dawn of the age of cinema, tirelessly criss-crossed the Balkans and, without regard for national and ethnic strife, recorded the region's history and customs. Did these primitive, never-developed images really exist?". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best quality of sound and finest starring actors.
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Director : Theo Angelopoulos, Screenplay : Giorgio Silvagni, Screenplay : Tonino Guerra, Screenplay : Theo Angelopoulos, Screenplay : Petros Markaris
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