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Zulu Dawn (1979) Play Movie

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You can understand complete description of Zulu Dawn below:
  • Original Title : Zulu Dawn
  • Movie title in your country : Zulu Dawn
  • Year of movie : 1979
  • Genres of movie : Adventure, Drama, History, War,
  • Status of movie : Released
  • Release date of movie : 1979-05-14
  • Companies of movie : Lamitas, Samarkand, Zulu Dawn NV,
  • Countries of movie : Netherlands, United States of America, South Africa,
  • Language of movie : isiZulu, English,
  • Durationof movie : 117 Min
  • Average vote of movie : 5.5
  • Youtube ID of movie : gu8usgmMzDQ
  • Translation of movie : DE,EL,EN,ES,FR,HU,PT,
  • Actors of movie :Abe Temba (Uhama), Ken Gampu (Mantshonga), Nigel Davenport (Col. Hamilton-Brown), Ronald Lacey (Norris Newman), Vivienne Drummond (Lady Frere), Paul Copley (Cpl. Storey), Peter O'Toole (Lord Chelmsford), Patrick Mynhardt (Col. Harness), Bob Hoskins (C.S.M. Williams), Peter Vaughan (QSM Bloomfield), Michael Jayston (Col. Crealock), John Mills (Sir Henry Bartle Frere), Peter J. Elliott (Sentry), Ian Yule (Cpl. Fields), Nicholas Clay (Lt. Raw), Don Leonard (Fannin), Brian O'Shaughnessy (Maj. Smith R.A.), Phil Daniels (Boy Pullen), Burt Lancaster (Col. Anthony Durnford), Anna Calder-Marshall (Fanny Colenso), Jan Bruyns (Elder Boer), Ronald Pickup (Lt. Harford), Chris Chittell (Lt. Milne), Gilbert Tjabane (Bayele), Freddie Jones (Bishop Colenso), Claire Marshall (Mrs de Witt), Simon Sabela (Cetshwayo), David Bradley (Pte Williams), Paul Mafela (Zulu Prisoner), James Faulkner (Lt. Melvill), Kenneth Baker (Mr de Witt), Simon Ward (Lt. Vereker), Muntu Ndebele (Siswe), Donald Pickering (Maj. Russell R.A.), Denholm Elliott (Colonel Pulleine), Christopher Cazenove (Lt. Coghill), Len Sparrowhawk (Trooper James), Sydney Chama (S.M. Kambula)
The sun dawned bloodied...two great armies met face to face...and the earth trembled to the sound of the Zulu death chant!


Zulu Dawn is better movie provided by Lamitas, Samarkand, Zulu Dawn NV, along with a description of the movie is "In 1879, the British suffer a great loss at the Battle of Isandlwana due to incompetent leadership. Cy Endfield co-wrote the epic prequel Zulu Dawn 15 years after his enormously popular Zulu. Set in 1879, this film depicts the catastrophic Battle of Isandhlwana, which remains the worst defeat of the British army by natives, with the British contingent outnumbered 16-to-1 by the Zulu tribesmen. The film's opinion of events is made immediately clear in its title sequence: ebullient African village life presided over by King Cetshwayo is contrasted with aristocratic artifice under the arrogant eye of General Lord Chelmsford (Peter O'Toole). Chelmsford is at the heart of all that goes wrong, initiating the catastrophic battle with an ultimatum made seemingly for the sake of giving his troops something to do. His detached  manner leads to one mistake after another.". The film was produced with excellent graphic quality, best sound quality and greatest starring actors.

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Producer : James Faulkner, Screenplay : Anthony Story, Original Music Composer : Elmer Bernstein, Screenplay : Cy Endfield, Editor : Malcolm Cooke, Producer : Nate Kohn, Director : Douglas Hickox, Director of Photography : Ousama Rawi
Of course, now you can view movie regarding Zulu Dawn entirely length and get the connect to this flick Zulu Dawn in Top Quality.

Tags: victory, battlefield, battle, violence, death, colonialism, spear throwing, surrounded, standoff, mortar, zulu, tribal warfare, army life, hit with a rifle,


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